EuroPlux seller guide: Store customization
In this page it will be explained how Sellers can configure their own stores on We’ll start by showing how Sellers are adding the general information as well as other additional details about them.
Step 1
Once Seller logs into his admin panel, Seller needs to click on their name displayed in the top left side, and then click on “Seller info”
Step 2
On the next page, under the “General” tab, Seller can add his details under the “Information” section. This Seller information will be displayed in the Seller store top info, (name, location and phone number), as well as the URL adders will be used on the Seller Contact page (full address, email address, phone number and web address).
In addition to the Seller Information, under the “General” tab, is adding another section called “Contact page” where Seller can add an embed Google Map indicating his location, as well as a ”Description” section where Seller can add any HTML text. The Google Map and “Description” will appear on the “Contact” page, of which link may be found in the Seller main menu.
Step 3
Under the “Logos” tab, Seller can add his logos for his store as well as for his invoices. We recommend using images that do not have empty spaces around the logo.
Step 4
Next, under the “Description” tab, Seller can add any HTML content describing his company, as well as offering information about his store, products, or anything else. is grabbing all of this HTML content and inserts it in an “About us” page of which link may be found in the main menu of the Seller store.
Step 5
Under section “Product Page Quick Info” each Seller has the possibility to add their own information and add their own content it the “Product Page Quick Info”. Each Seller will have his own custom information in the “Product Page Quick Info” blocks on their product pages. Also, Sellers may choose not to add any further information in the Quick Info Blocks, so Sellers will fill their info at least in the mandatory block.
Step 6
Sellers can add their profile links to the most important social sites: Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Linkedin, Instagram, Pinterest. Buttons with these links will be displayed in the Seller store top info. If a field corresponding to a social site is not filled in by Seller, then the respective button will not be displayed.
Step 7
When Seller creates his store will be applied the default colors. Under the “Store settings” tab, Seller can customize the colors of his own store. Sellers can also change here the way product filters and sidebar categories are displayed on their own stores.
A: Header Colors - Choose colors for the sore header
B: Menu Colors - Choose colors for the sore menu
C: Store category settings - Choose the settings for store categories
Seller store homepage and content pages
Sellers can add any number of blocks on their store homepage, including banners and/or slider banners, featured products, as well as blocks that include any HTML content, as well as customize each of these blocks.
Adding banners and/or banner sliders
Before adding banners and/or banner sliders on their store homepage, Sellers need to firstly create those banners. To create banners, Seller needs to follow these steps:
Step 1
In the Seller admin panel, go to “My content” - “Banners”
Step 2
In the newly opened window, click on the top right blue “Plus” button in order to add a new banner.
Step 3
Create a banner and repeat the process in order to create as many banners as wanted. The recommended banner width is 2048px, the height can be any size that Seller prefers.
Step 4
Once banners are created, Seller needs to add them to his homepage. To do that, Seller needs to go to “My content” - “Home blocks”
Step 5
Click on the right side “Plus” sign in order to add a new block
Step 6
In the newly opened page, under the “General” tab, select the banner block settings
A: Vendor - Vendor name is displayed
B: Type - Here you have 3 options: “Text area”, “Products” and “Banners”. Because we want to add banners in this block, we’ll choose the “Banners”
C: Title - Give a title to the banner block
D: Short description - Provide a short description for the banner block. This short description will be displayed like a subtitle just below the title. If the description field is left empty, then no description will appear under the block title on the Seller homepage banner block
E: Position - Provide the location where the banner block to be displayed. Note that block positions can also be easily changed by dragging and dropping them on the “Seller home blocks” page
F: Show title - Choose whether to show the block title on the homepage or not
G: Full width - Check this box if your want your block to be full width. Otherwise, the block width will be of 1600px
Step 7
Next, under the “Banners” tab, Seller needs to click on the “Add banners” button in order to add the desired banners that were already created previously, then click on the top right “Save” button when is done
Adding product blocks
On their store homepages, Sellers can easily add any number of product blocks with any products of their choice. Here’s how to do it:
In the Seller admin panel, go to “My content” - “Home blocks”
Step 2
Click on the right side “Plus” sign in order to add a new block
Step 3
In the newly opened page, under the “General” tab, select the products block settings
A: Vendor - Seller name is displayed
B: Type - Here you have 3 options: “Text area”, “Products” and “Banners”. Because we want to add products in this block, we’ll choose the “Products” option
C: Title - Give a title to the products block
D: Short description - Provide a short description for the products block. This short description will be displayed like a subtitle just below the title. If the description field is left empty, then no description will appear under the block title on the Seller homepage products block
E: Position - Provide the location where the products block to be displayed. Note that block positions can also be easily changed by dragging and dropping them on the “Vendor home blocks” page
F: Show title - Choose whether to show the block title on the homepage or not
Step 4
Next. under the “Products” tab, Seller needs to select a filling and adjust the filling settings as needed, then click on the top right “Save” button when done
Filling - Select the product filling you want to use
Adding text/HTML blocks
On their store homepages, Sellers can easily add any number of text/HTML blocks with any text/HTML of their choice. Here’s how to do it:
Step 1
In the Seller admin panel, go to “My content” - “Home blocks”
Click on the right side “Plus” sign in order to add a new block
Step 3
In the newly opened page, under the “General” tab, select the Text area settings
A: Vendor - Seller name is displayed
B: Type - Here you have 3 options: “Text area”, “Products” and “Banners”. Because we want to add text/HTML in this block, we’ll choose the “Text area” option
C: Title - Give a title to the text/HTML block
D: Short description - Provide a short description for the text/HTML block. This short description will be displayed like a subtitle just below the title. If the description field is left empty, then no description will appear under the block title on the Seller homepage text/HTML block
E: Position - Provide the location where the text/HTML block to be displayed. Note that block positions can also be easily changed by dragging and dropping them on the “Seller home blocks” page
F: Show title - Choose whether to show the block title on the homepage or not
Next, under the “Content” tab, Seller needs to add the desired text/HTML content, and then click on the top right “Save” button when is done
Adding content pages
On their stores, Sellers can easily add any number HTML content pages where they can include any information they want. These pages can be structured on trees and the links to these pages are displayed directly in the Seller main menu. Here’s how to create a content page:
In the Seller admin panel, go to “My content” - “Pages”
Click on the right side “Plus” sign in order to add a new content page
Simply create the page, then click on the top right “Save” button when done
Repeat the above 3 steps in order to create as many content pages as wanted. As soon as these pages are created they will be displayed under the Seller store main menu according to the created pages tree.